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A member registered Mar 30, 2020

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Y iz he wyte?! i liek et wen he wz rad!!!!!????!?!?!?!!?!!??!?!?!?!? >:::((((

The characters for this short work are highly developed, i can clearly see the writers struggle between the characters. It is clear that is actually a homoerotic battle between their doubts and dreams of the future. Your decision may not reflect how they're living now but it does show you how it could have been, very deep man.

When i first clicked play on this game i was skeptical and an atheist, but that has all changed now. His beautiful form and divine light has cut through my ignorance and hatred and shown me the true way to live life. I am a changed man now, i go to church 8 times a week now and I've donated all my blood to the homeless and hungry. I see him, in visions, all the time. I swear to the gods i see him near me in the mirrors around my house. His presence is something i feel deeply ever since playing this game. When i close my eyes to pray i even hear his voice in my ears. He tells me to act upon his word, his only. I cannot share what he says but i know it is whats right, and in the end it'll all be ok. All because of this saint, this bringer of the message of god himself.

cill ur shelf >:( i cewld net fnd dah coyn